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Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencils | Art Supplies for Drawing, Sketching, Adult Coloring | Soft Core Color Pencils, 150 Pack

Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencils | Art Supplies for Drawing, Sketching, Adult Coloring | Soft Core Color Pencils, 150 Pack

$154.60     3rd party new price
ASIN: B005O2ZU68
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Amazon price

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Last $159.00 4/22/24
Highest $197.47 1/24/23
Lowest $88.33 9/6/23
Average $131.39

3rd party new price

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Last $154.60 4/22/24
Highest $157.97 4/17/24
Lowest $94.39 11/28/22
Average $133.31

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Last $110.40 4/22/24
Highest $133.78 3/13/24
Lowest $81.26 9/7/23
Average $111.45